I Wanttt a
Unicorn Frappe!!!
Written by Catherine Weingarten;
Directed by Figaro Vance
I Wanttt a Unicorn Frappe!!! was produced February 2024. It was the first
show I've costume designed for outside of University of Kentucky. It was produced by Cypress Productions, a community theatre team based in Lexington, KY. The
show is centered around Jenny whose fiance, Sebastian, cares more about
SAT tutoring and networking events than coming to their wedding planning meetings. Jenny's best friend Cassandra introduces her to the newly released unicorn frappe to cheer her up, and Jenny absolutely falls in love with the
drink. After drinking far too many frappes, she meets the realistic, unreal,
O.M.G. hot, psychosis-induced Prince, who attempts to whisk her away from
her life and fiance. What will she do when the unicorn frappe is
discontinued after just 4 days?
Prince Jacket
This jacket was my personal project for this play. I found a pink rococo style jacket and took up bedazzling to personalize the piece!
Final Jacket
The final look was perfect! I had to stop with the rhinestones somewhere, and I'm very pleased with how it looked. It looked absolutely amazing under the lights too!
Even though this jacket took me sitting at my desk until 3am several nights in a row, I don't regret the decision to use so many rhinestones. It was absolutely worth every second.
Progress Photo
This project was a lot to take on. I definitely spent over 30 hours on this jacket alone, all spent bedazzling. Every night that I thought I was finished, I would come back to it later and crave more sparkles!
I taught myself how to bedazzle thanks to this show! I had no idea how time consuming it would be, nor how expensive it can get when using so many rhinestones. I'm very happy to have learned such a great skill!
Final Idea
I decided to come up with an easy and quick idea to show the director before I got started on bedazzling! I wanted Prince to be a physical representation of the unicorn frappe, as he forms as part of the main character, Jenny's, hallucinations/psychosis caused by her overdosage of unicorn frappes.
These photos are from the original amazon showing of the full rococo outfit. We only ended up using the jacket!
Production Photos
Photography done by Emma Carli